What are the 10 Reasons Why You Need A Portfolio Website You? or e-resume or anything else that you choose to call it. The truth is that every career person needs that personal touch of class that stands them out among their peers and that can only come through a portfolio website for yourself or brand.
Being on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the rest no matter how professionally polished may not just be enough to convey your personal message in the most dynamic of ways and with so much freedom and space that an e-portfolio website represents.
You need something much more personal and unique to showcase your abilities, competence, skills level and most importantly your diversity in today’s competitive job market.
So what are the 10 things that an e-resume portfolio website offers you and your career?
1) Its stand you out from the crowd:
Today’s market place is crowded and highly competitive with many heads competing for the few available jobs.
How does it feel like to both you and potential employers to have www.yourname.com or info@yourname.com on your resume?
How much more does it feel like when you can offer something more outside your normal resume? How does it feel like to have a bit more space to express yourself, your abilities and personality to the hiring managers out there? Your guess is as good as mine.
A portfolio website gives you a better opportunity to express yourself in a way and manner that your resume cannot and it shows your seriousness and enhances your visibility.
2)It’s a breathing image of your skills and abilities:
We all know that a typical resume can only just be about two pages that can barely contain all that you represent.
Which means as you acquire more skills, move from one level of education to another, attend more courses, gain more certification, get involved in more critical and innovative tasks, volunteer in your community your typical resume can barely contain any more than what’s absolutely necessary for any immediate role you’re currently seeking.
Your e-portfolio site eliminates this limitation by growing with you as you grow. Like every other living thing, your portfolio website will keep growing to reflect your current level of achievement and allow you to express those achievements in any format and style that correctly projects their meaning.
3)Extend your professional network strategy well beyond the job world and your personal contact:
As your site turns up in different search engines, it takes you beyond your current contact and professional network as more and more people come in contact with your abilities via your e-resume site.
4) It will sell you to people who want to hire you:
it becomes your sales pitch, your marketing billboard and a reflection of your personality which speaks louder than your words and attracts the right suitors to your way.
It can also serve as your downfall if not properly done. If you must do an e-portfolio website, you must take your time and do it well. You must make sure that it’s something you will pay attention to.
You must watch out for grammatical errors, misspellings, or outdated information as your portfolio website will serve as a more authenticate reflection of your abilities than anything else out there.
Read Also: 9 Questions to Ask Your Web Designer After Heading Over Your Website to You
5) It will shout your superpower and uniqueness to the world:
Your CV shouts your uniqueness, but your e-portfolio site does it even better. It allows you the liberty and space to express yourself better to both potential employer and clients alike in the most excellent of ways.
6)It Build Trust:
Your e-portfolio site talks about you, your abilities and skills using varieties of tools including photographs, videos and other multimedia tools.
It shows your contacts; provide links to existing and on-going projects that you’re involved in especially of you’re a creative person, IT professional and in industries that use visuals and motions.
Read Also: 5 Ways To Make Your Website More Visible To Your Target Audience
7) It will get you up and running to achieve more:
How? Of course, you wouldn’t want your visitors and potential employers to keep seeing the same skills level or aspiration each time they drop in to check on your e-portfolio site.
You will want to talk about a newly acquired set of skills, a project or achievement with all the space in the world to do just that.
8) It will bring out your hidden skills:
How? If you’re not an active blogger like me your e-portfolio site will get you blogging that means reading, learning and exploring the world around you.
You can creatively tell your stories and share your experience with the world
9) It rejuvenates your entrepreneurship spirit:
You can as well ask me how? When you work round the clock to keep your e-portfolio website fresh every week it gets you thinking about what new to offer to your site visitors which will in turn kick start the process of creating unique product and services around your skills and area of expertise.
As you grow, your e-portfolio website grows with you and can then offer much more than just serve the purpose of securing the next available job
10) It Uncovers The Real You:
Need I say this again?…. Your e-portfolio/e-resume website screams in a loud and clear voice to any would-be interested party..This is ME…This is what I can Do…. And This is where I am heading to……
Rutherford Ejimonu is a Digital Marketer, Content analyst, SEO Specialist with many years of experience in the industry. He works with Doers Technologies as their Remote Webmaster, Content Strategies and SEO Specialist.
nice article.
can an e-resume be used for bloging?
Yes Blog is an important part of a Portfolio/E-resume website as it showcases your expertise and the other side’s of your skill set
This is nice info. Thanks for sharing this