What are the reasons why your Nigerian business needs a website? You may ask, Do I really need a website for my business? Some will say they have been operating their business for years and doing well off their local shops and on social media so why add a website to it? Regardless of how […]
SEO is very important that’s why every Nigerian business needs SEO especially now that COVID-19 pandemic is turning all economic permutations on their heads. No matter how big or small your business is and no matter how remote your location is, your business needs SEO. What Type of Nigerian Business Needs SEO? No business […]
This is My Love Story With WordPress And Why You Should Start Using IT. On Sunday 27th of May 2018, WordPress clocked 15. WordPress lovers and users within Nigeria gathered at Paystack HQ in Lagos to celebrate the day before to celebrate WordPress. WordPress means different things to different people, especially a section of the […]
4 Reasons Why Blogging is Good For Your Business highlights the key points and the important facts you need to know about blogging for business. What ways can you really show that you’re an expert in what you do? How can you tell your current and potential customers that you know what you’re doing if […]
12 SEO Mistakes to avoid highlights some important aspect of SEO you shouldn’t overlook or ignore. Be it Onsite, Offsite or Technical SEO, anything SEO or any aspect of SEO should be taken seriously by every website owner as SEO determines whether your website appears or not on the natural search result. Therefore to pay […]